Lorna Sultana
Head of Audit & Assurance
About Lorna
Lorna has since 2021 been appointed as Head of Audit services, leading all financial audits carried out by the firm. Moreover, Lorna provides her expertise in financial and management areas within the company. In addition, Lorna has been appointed as Head of Risk Management since 2022 in line with the requirements of the license held by Finex, and therefore is responsible for the monitoring of all risks within the firm and provides her expertise and recommendations in mitigating such risks.
Graduating in 2007 with a Bachelor in Accountancy (Honours) from the University of Malta, she immediately joined one of the Big 4 Audit firms, and for 11 years worked in the Audit Department and later moved on to the Accounting business unit, whereby she worked on clients from different industries in their financial statements. Moreover, she also assisted in liquidation of companies. In 2010, she attained the warrant for CPA and also the Practicing Certificate in Auditing. Moreover, in 2012, she also got a Diploma in IFRSs.
After having garnered huge experience, in 2018, she moved on to work in a small boutique firm where she worked on the accounting, payroll, and day-to-day client relationship management. Her portfolio included various clients ranging from traditional retail to digital marketing agencies and gaming companies, amongst others.
She is also a Fellow Member in the Malta Institute of Accountants.
In her free time, Lorna enjoys her time away from the crowds, exploring new places around Malta and Gozo, and planning foreign trips for her family.